PEScience TruCreatine


TruCreatine Capsules feature 3 grams of Creapure® micronized creatine monohydrate per serving, available in 30 or 90 servings.

If you don’t enjoy mixing powders and want the convenience of taking a capsule, you’ve come to the right place.

You can take all four at once or spread them out—it’s completely up to you! The capsules can be easily added to any stack. There is no need to be overly creative with creatine—we keep it simple and pure.


TruCreatine Capsules feature 3 grams of Creapure® micronized creatine monohydrate per serving, available in 30 or 90 servings.

If you don’t enjoy mixing powders and want the convenience of taking a capsule, you’ve come to the right place.

You can take all four at once or spread them out—it’s completely up to you! The capsules can be easily added to any stack. There is no need to be overly creative with creatine—we keep it simple and pure.

Increase Power
Creatine is among the most well-researched and effective supplements. It can help with strength and exercise performance by rapidly producing cellular energy during intense activity.
Increase Stamina
In addition to increasing strength and performance, creatine can reduce muscular fatigue. This, in turn, can further benefit performance by allowing longer, harder training in any physical activity.
Muscle Size
Better workouts obviously result in better muscular development. However, creatine also allows muscle to store more water, which is favorable for anyone looking for a more muscular appearance. You can read more about the misconceptions of creatine below.
How Creatine Works
When muscles are used, their main energy source is ATP (adenosine triphosphate). When ATP is used up, it turns into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and can no longer be used for energy.

Creatine is naturally produced in the body from amino acids. It stores high-energy phosphate (P) groups and can turn the useless ADP back into ATP, the primary energy source for working muscles.

Creatine can be found in some foods and is most prevalent in meat and fish. But you can get a controllable serving of creatine every day with TruCreatine.

Creatine Misconceptions:
Does creatine make you bloated?
Creatine does not make you bloated. This misconception started from an oversimplification of how creatine works. Creatine does make you retain more water in your muscle tissue! This is precisely what anyone looking for a more muscular appearance wants. The misconception comes from people falsely assuming that water storage occurs in places like fat tissue, like traditional bloating, which is untrue.
Do I need to “load” creatine?
The short answer is no.
Creatine loading is when a high dose of creatine, typically 20 g/day, is taken for the first 5-7 days, and after the 7th day, just 3-5g per day is taken going forward. A loading phase does help you reach saturation level in a slightly shorter period of time, but it is not necessary, and we do not recommend it. What’s important is taking creatine every day, not just on training days.
Is creatine only for bulking?
Anyone wanting to increase strength, grow muscle, or maintain muscle mass can use creatine. Regardless of your goals, if muscular performance or development is important to you, creatine should be part of your daily ritual.


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